Electricity Generating Sports Equipment

The goal of this research project is to produce economic sports equipment that can generate electricity, so that community member who uses this equipment can earn a small income by generating electricity for intra module usage.

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Parasite Lifestyle

Parasite Lifestyle

Parasite is an Asian lifestyle movie (from Korea) that tells how the poor deceived the rich for personal gain. It ended up in a disaster where evil intention ended up in killings. Although the movie itself is only fiction, we find many such occurrence happening in real life.

We live in a socially unrest society, where we walk each day in fear that someone might try to deceive & harm us. The lacking of peace and harmony is caused by prosperity imbalance.

Threat of Automation

Threat of Automation

One of the most realistic threat of automation is the loss of job. For the sake of efficiency, and cost savings, capitalist has started to turn into machinery to replace human labor.�Machine can work without rest, demands very low overhead, and it has very small demands, comparing with human labor with all its grief and needs.

Automation and Artificial Intelligence has already taken many occupation, and will continue take over tasks that human labor usually do. From virtual assistant, to cooking and cleaning, we now not only compete against other human being, we are now competing against machine.

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